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You have to pay your son’s debts, as he is under age.
The _____ you work tonight, the more tired you will be tomorrow.
Hikers in ____ Loch Ness reported ____ seeing large moving mass at ____ dawn.
When you go to ____ Athens, don’t forget to visit ____ Acropolis and ____ ancient Agora.
Stop winging; you should have listened to me.
Dacă ea nu ar fi fost atât de generoasă, Tom nu ar duce-o atât de bine acum.
He wanted to become a policeman, but was _____ as unfit.
I could hardly bear the ______ .
You _____ have told me that my skirt was split; It wouldn’t have made a fool of myself.
Let me fix this for you, ______?
We are dealing with your complaint.
Your complaint is ______ .
He was reluctant to co-operate, ______ made the investigators suspicious.
There’s ______ challenging ______ diving among sharks.
Every day, it’s the same old routine in my job.
Were ______ treated like that I ______ the manager.
Readers demanded that a new edition _____ issued.
Airport rules require that the passengers’ luggage _____ thoroughly checked.
The news we ______ so far ______ relhiable.
I’m not joking, I’m speaking _____ earnest. His jealosy _____ her success is dangerous.
My ankle is really _____ and I can’t walk easily.
You were in my dreams last night.
I dreamed _____ you last night.
She ______ treatment for six months before she ______ she ______ .
Yesterday I met your brother at the shops.
They have been _____ in the sun for more than four hours. Haven’t they got bored yet?
Don’t make me suffer because of your problems.
We ______ since the day my father ______ a hand in the yard, the luckiest day I ______ till then.
The man is ______ with theft.
When a person is affluent it means that he / she
Did they find out who had taken the money?
Yes, Robert finally admitted ______ it all.
Why didn’t you come last night? Mary is very upset.