Itemi: 15
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Her brother gets up very early every day.
What time ………. every Saturday or Sunday?
He hardly ever ………. the shopping but he ………. this afternoon!
She always ………. three cups of tea when she goes to bed.
She ………. too much on the phone before going to bed. I can’t sleep because of the noise!
I currently ………. a novel about my childhood. I hope I will find a publisher when I ………. it.
Everybody ……….. that the Danube ………. into the Black Sea.
We ………. this weekend at the mountains. We ………. to the mountains twice a month.
I ………. why you ………. so rude now. You are not like this!
Look out! Something ………. in the kitchen! My sister ………. something when she is in the kitchen!
What’s on your mind at the moment?
Are you studying English ………. ?
I always stay at work ………. six o’clock.
My boss is on holiday so my friend ………. his work.
I ………. for Paris tonight. My plane ………. at 9 pm.
What’s that ………. ?