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Why ………. so pesimistic today? You usually give us hope.
A: Why ………. the chocolate cake?
B: It ………. delicious.
He ………. got a new car!
I ………. this material to see if it is silk or not.
Tom ………. the headmaster tomorrow. He ………. an interview with him.
A: What ………. about?
B: I ………. about holiday.
Helen ………. her mother more and more.
Peter ………. spending money but he ………. saving it.
I ………. he ………. the message!
I ………. a telephone call today. I ……… I will get it soon.
Who ………. the children while you ………. at work?
The houses …….. more and more these days.
A: What ………. .
B: Your perfume. It ………. nice. What is it?
You ………. better this week. Have you had your hair cut?
I ………. the lesson now.