Itemi: 15
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0 of 15 Întrebări answered correctly
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People who are ………. vaccinated are better protected against the virus.
I would like you to line up ………., please.
I have read almost ………. of your report. I will probably finish reading it tomorrow.
I ate a ………. portion of fries.
El câștigă de trei ori mai mult decât mine.
The teacher arranged the children ………. in a row.
………. of my classmates are boys.
She has to take the medicine ………. a day.
There is a ………. increase in the number of missing children.
My dog runs ………. as fast as myself.
I told him to behave himself ………. yesterday, but you wouldn’t listen.
Elevii au părăsit curtea școlii câte doi.
The value of the house has incresead a ………. since I bought it.
They entered the room one .……… one.
There is a ………. increase in the price of houses.