Itemi: 15
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You must first complete the following:
0 of 15 Întrebări answered correctly
Timpul tău:
Time has elapsed
Ai obținut 0 din 0 punct(e), (0)
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0 eseu(ri) în așteptarea corectării. Punctaj maxim posibil: 0
This bag is very old. I need ………. .
She needs new shoes, the old ….. are too small.
I met Mark last night. You like ….., don’t you?
Aceste prăjituri arată destul de bine pentru a fi mâncate.
Choose the correct sentence:
…………… are going abroad this year.
Please give ….. another cup of tea, will you?
Who can be at the door? ….. is my neighbour.
………. quite long way to the capital city.
Bunicului îi place când nepoții îi cer sfatul.
Do you like your new school? Yes, ………. !
Once upon a time ………. an old woman who lived in a shoe.
….. ‘s been a lot of improvement in the quality of our products.
….. ‘s been a long journey. Is ….. anywhere we can have some rest?
….. ‘s a police officer at the door; ….. seems that we’ve been making too much noise.