Itemi: 16
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0 of 16 Întrebări answered correctly
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Time has elapsed
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Punctaj obținut: 0 din 0, (0)
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Scorul tău |
It is 1.35 pm.
22 – 10 =
………. of viewers will watch this show.
There were ………. people in the school yard.
We are going on ………. trip to England this year.
………. points is a good score!
There were ………. hotels in that region.
Hurry up! The meeting starts at ………. .
………. eggs was delivered to me yesterday morning.
We need …………… grams of sugar and ………. strawberries for the pie.
………. of fighters have survived this brutal war.
Two ………. dollars is what I need for the trip.
A fortnight means:
We say 1989:
How old are you?
He is ………. . He is ………. twenty.