Itemi: 15
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0 of 15 Întrebări answered correctly
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….. were my co-workers at the meeting.
Look at ….. magazine here. It’s great.
I take ….. earrings. The others don’t really suit me.
Look at ….. clock here.
….. are my grandparents, and ….. people over there are their friends.
….. bottle over there is empty.
….. are my children over there in the park.
Do you know ….. boys over there?
What are you doing ….. days?
It was difficult to find a job on ….. days!
I have passed the exam. …..’s great!
….. children, right here, are mine.
Did you hear something? What was ….. noise?
Why am I still working at ….. company?
….. are my new shoes I’m wearing.