Itemi: 15
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You must first complete the following:
0 of 15 Întrebări answered correctly
Timpul tău:
Time has elapsed
Ai obținut 0 din 0 punct(e), (0)
Punctaj obținut: 0 din 0, (0)
0 eseu(ri) în așteptarea corectării. Punctaj maxim posibil: 0
I think you should be ashamed of ………. for what you have done!
Voi înșivă ați fost de acord cu ea!
Aveți grijă de voi, copii!
One has to learn to control ……….[ .
You and I love ………. .
I thought to ………. that he was right.
We were surprised when we saw ………. in the mirror.
They were very pleased with ………. when they helped the refugees.
Anna, if you don’t behave ………., I shall take your phone away.
We repaired the car ………. We didn’t need anyone help!
The cat is washing ………. .
The teacher tried to make ………. understood by all students.
I made this dress ………. .
Arriving at the place ………., I remembered all the details.
The women ………. fought for their country.